The Management and Staff at Gillis Home Building Centre Believe In Keeping Their Customers Coming Back Year After Year. Quality of Service is of Upmost Importance at Gillis and it Shows in our Website, our Facebook Page, and Overall Improved Sales.

Gillis Home Building Centre is Your First Choice When it Comes to Home Renovation Projects and Building Supply Materials Anywhere in the CBRM! From Bathroom and Kitchen Design to Garage Packages and Home Installs, We Do It All !!
Check Out Our Main Store (1076 Kings Road) or our Design Centre (1100 Kings Road) in Sydney River and Let Us Know How We Are Doing – (902) 539 – 0738
Bathroom Renovations
When homeowners in Sydney, New Waterford or Glace Bay are looking for bathroom renovations, the first call they make is Gillis Home Building Centre.

Do you need a new vanity, shower, countertop, shower or shower fixtures, walk in tub, or brand new bathroom designed and built from scratch, the Bathroom Design Team at Gillis Home and Bathroom Renovations have your back!
The bathroom design team at Gillis Home Renovations invite you to come in to their kitchen design showroom at 1100 Kings Road in Sydney River to choose from a variety of kitchen designs that leave you excited and wanting to get started right away!
Bathroom Renovation Services
- Bath Remodeling
- Shower Remodeling
- Tub To Shower Conversions
- Tub to New Tub Conversions
- Walk In Tubs
- Eco-Friendly Toilet Conversion
- Sink Conversion
- Bathroom Floor Upgrade
- Bathroom Windows Changed
- Replace Caulk and Grout
- Creative Lighting
- Bathroom Accessories and Fixtures
Kitchen Renovations
Kitchens renovations are now one of the most busiest departments at Gillis Home Building Centre! Home kitchen renos seem to be one of the most popular home renovation projects anywhere in Cape Breton.

It is good knowing you will be dealing with one of the most experienced home renovation companies on the Island – Gillis Home Renovation Experts!
Their quality service and superior product lines will have you quickly wanting to get started with your next kitchen renovation project.
Whether you need kitchen design and built from scratch, a bathroom renovation or your dream home design and built, the home and design experts at Gillis Home Building Centre are ready and willing to sit down with you and put your plan into action!
Quality Of Service
The staff at Gillis Home Building Centre believe that what keeps customers coming back year after year is the quality of service that is provided and the high level of customer satisfaction that is enjoyed by the company. Satisfaction is guaranteed. If their customers aren’t happy, the staff isn’t happy.
Timmons said employees put a great deal of emphasis on catering to the customer, they believe that the customer is always right and it is their job to make certain that when they leave the store they do so having had a positive experience.
“We believe that it is our responsibility to show our customers how much we value their business. To do that we must offer them a shopping experience that is positive, informative and efficient.”

Gillis Home Design Centre (Kitchens / Bathrooms) 1100 Kings Rd, Sydney River NS
Phone – (902) 539 – 0738